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The scenic Selkirk Loop passes right through our three towns, continues up into Canada, and back down into Idaho to form the only International Scenic Byway in the country. With six superside trips available you can plan a day trip or spend several weeks touring this majestic area.
The Selkirk Loop guides and maps are available from their website for planning your trip. They also have cycling elevation maps & waterproof birding maps available.
A healthy Refuge environment will provide opportunities for visitors to enjoy wildlife viewing, hunting, and fishing in a natural setting. Interpreting wildlife and the Refuge’s unique heritage, as well as improving facilities will enhance the visitors’ experience while protecting the cultural integrity of the area.
To meet these challenges, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will continue to seek partnerships with other agencies, interest groups, landowners, and local communities. These efforts will result in greater protection of wildlife and fish resources throughout northeastern Washington.
Today's 1.1 million acre forest was first shaped over 10,000 years ago by Ice Age glaciers that carved three major valleys of today's Columbia, San Poil-Curlew, and Pend Oreille River flowing north into Canada before entering the Columbia River.
These million acres in the northeast corner roll like the high seas. Three waves of mountains run from north to south, separated by troughs of valleys. These ranges -- the Okanogan, Kettle River, and Selkirk -- are considered foothills of the Rocky Mountains.
Since 1965, Rural Resources Community Action has helped residents of Northeastern Washington help themselves and each other.
Through education, resources and support, we offer real hope to children, seniors and families, by working to create a stronger and more stable community for us all.
Rural Resources Bus runs from Metaline Falls to Kalispel Park to Camas Center on Tuesday and Thursday, to Metaline Falls to Kalispel Park to Camas Center to Newport, WA on Wednesday (reservations required) and 3 Fridays a month from Metaline Falls to Colville, WA. Call 1-800-776-9026 for information or to reserve a seat on Wednesdays or Fridays.